Fat Loss Without Those Idiotic Weigh-Ins

When you are desperate to lose weight and you need help, you have to figure out the “secret sauce” that is right for you–be it a weigh-in sergeant to face every week, a diet buddy, a work-out buddy, a personal trainer, a personal food diary, or a combination or all of it? The secret is in the mix, here’s what I mean by that.  The new diet book Fat Loss For Idiots which is instantly downloadable on the internet is a great way to start your weight loss program with step-by-step instructions without eating prepackaged foods or weigh-ins!  You just simply follow the diet.

Many experts say that “weighing-in” is not a true picture of what is happening in your body anyway. Here’s why:

When you step on a scale, you are weighing fluid, fat and muscle.  If you get excited when you see that you have a couple of pounds from yesterday and have regained them by the afternoon, it is because it is fluid or water gain/loss.  And did you know that muscle weighs more than fat? So, the more muscular you become (density), the heavier you will be, (but the wonderful upside to this is that muscle burns more calories than fat!).  This is why a weigh-in is not necessarily a true gauge of weight loss.


Okay, watching your weight is what it is all about and weighing in with someone watching and writing it down lost really works.  Yes, this really does work, because of our pride!  We don’t want to think we actually paid someone to weigh us and then we GAINED pounds, instead of lost them over the weekend, right?  BUT, if you are shameless, this will NOT work for you.  You really don’t care that you gained and it’s your money, right? 

So, if you have that attitude, the weigh-in will not work for you and you will just be happily handing over your hard-earned money to someone for nothing.  Bad idea.  And, if you do lose weight by weighing in and making that person with the clipboard happy and you too, what about when you cut your membership or you can’t afford to make the monthly payments anymore or it is too far to drive after work, or yada yada yada…..you get the drift.

Fat loss is possible without those idiotic weigh-ins!

Weight loss programs such as where you pay huge amounts of money to weigh in and watch your weight by being accountable to someone usually involve slower dieting progress over a longer period of time, and usually only guarantee a couple of pounds of loss a week at the most.  The other disadvantage is that you usually wind up buying special meals and/or dietary supplements during the beginning stages of this type of program.  However, this does work for certain people, but usually for only as long as they can afford the membership, then what?

The secret sauce is personal and an individual plan with YOUR NAME on it, NOT a diet and something you can stick to without too much work.  It is as simple as that!  And it does exist! 

And you won’t be saying, is it time to “weigh-in” again? Focus instead on measuring inches! 

Want a hot, gorgeous healthy body and lose 9 pounds in 11 days?

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