Start Fighting Your Acne Today

Most of us have had at least one person telling us to wash our faces since we were born. If you are anything like the rest of us, washing your face is not the most enjoyable activity and making time to do it every day feels like a hassle. When all you want to do is go to sleep, washing your face is a huge pain in the…you know what–even if you can still remember your puberty years like they just finished happening. Unfortunately, washing your face is the only way to keep dirt and other things from getting into your skin and clogging your pores. Do you want to have a breakout as an adult? Here is how you keep your face clean and keep acne away.

You should take steps to keep your hair from falling in your face.

Hair follicles produce oil, which gets transferred to your hair and then your face if your hair is allowed to hang in your face. If you have long hair that gets in your face or bangs that rest against your forehead for most of the day you could transfer that oil to your pores, which will then get clogged and produce pimples and acne. Having bangs or long hair is certainly appealing, but remember to keep it pulled up off of your face if you want to prevent breakouts. Braids, ponytails and headbands are the easiest ways to keep hair away from your face. You’ll be glad you did!

If your acne is very bad, you will want to choose facial cleansers that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These cleansers are stronger and are usually created specifically to take care of hard to fight acne. If you only suffer from a pimple or two here and there you should choose from something gentler–these harsh cleansers could strip valuable layers of skin off of your face. If your acne really is hard to deal with, the harsher cleansers might be just what you need to get clear skin.

Lower your stress level! For a lot of us, pimples and other forms of acne are a sure sign that we are too stressed out. Make some time for relaxation every day. Teach yourself some simple calming exercises that you can use when your stress level starts to climb. If your daily life is filled with high levels of stress you should consider changing your lifestyle. When you let yourself relax you should find that your acne gets better (as does your overall outlook on life)!

You have plenty of options available for cleaning your skin and fighting acne. Some manage to get by with just a quick washing routine a couple of times a day. Others use heavy handed oil and acne zappers. Other people choose to keep acne away with healthy foods, natural products and regular exercising. Your acne cure will be specific to you and your skin so don’t be afraid to try new things. The trick is to keep at something for a while.

Keep at each method for at least a couple of weeks before trying anything new because acne fighters need some time to begin working properly.

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