How I Lost 3 Pounds in One Day – 2 Powerful Tricks

It’s time to charge up your fat burning engine. If you want to lose weight fast, you need to flush out your system in order for your body to digest food faster and properly to increase your fat burning engine.

I lost 3 pounds just from this alone before starting my diet. Here’s some quick tips that helped me get great results.

*Clean your colon often.If you are serious about losing weight, then it’s absolutely crucial to do a full colon cleanse right before your diet, or even on the same day as your diet. There are many ways you can do this.

You can take two tablespoons of Epsom salt and water the same morning of your diet to flush out toxins and waste or whatever else happens to be laying around your colon at the time. I used to use Epsom salt once a month to keep it flushed out, and it helped my body digest food better. There also other things you can use to clean out your colon. Just take a look around to find something that suits you.

*Drink a gallon of water daily.You can also drink just a half a gallon if you want, but the more water the better. Hey I know this sounds crazy but you can do it.

Don’t worry about going to the toilet every 30 minutes or less, unless you’ll be away from the house most or all day long. This helps keeps our cells hydrated, and it continues to flush out toxins from our body all through the day. Make sure the water is pure and not tap water. Tap water is full of toxins.

This is just 2 ways to help flush out your body to increase your metabolism more efficiently to lose more weight. There are many other ways to burn fat and keep it off.

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