Learn How to Fight

Bare hands fighting of any style involves two general areas of combat. The first is standing and striking, and the other is fighting on the ground.

Area1. Standing and striking. Much hand-to-hand combat is done in this area, and in fact all self-defense forms involve fighting standing up. The elementary combat moves revolve on this: punching, kicking, chopping, covering, parrying and blocking your opponent’ strikes. So it is suggested to learn the moves of unarmed combat.

Punching. This is the quick forward extension of the arm with the hand rolled into a fist to act like a juggernaut. Punching is always one of the following:

1. Jab. A punch of the weak hand to test the enemy’s reflex or use of an opening to hit, however weak. It is also a means to place the opponent temporarily out of balance so a better punch can be given.

2. Straight. A powerful strike of the strong or dominant hand at about shoulder height, supported by the shoulder for additional reach. The straight is the ‘powerhouse’ punch.

3. Uppercut. A punch of the left or right hand coming from mid-body up into the chin or torso. Most of the time the body of the puncher flexes to grant the strikegreater power. This is often performed on close quarter position fighting.

4. Roundhouse. A circular punch of either weak or strong hand moving from the outside.

5. Combination. A one-two punch of a jab and straight, or a jab and another punch.

Area 2. Fighting on the ground. Often combats continue on the ground when either or both falls. Even if one is defeated standing up he can always recoup on the ground if he is trained how to use his arms and legs to knee, wrestle hold, grip, choke hold or otherwise control his opponent’s power to fight. Winning on the ground often means winning the contest.

The purposes of punching bags

You probably noticed that when fighters shown in training, they are usually portrayed training using a punching bag. This is because punching bags are a vital component of a boxer’s training, and well should be an important part of persons who train to fight at least adequately.

Training on punching bags affords a number of benefits to the fighter:

Skills improvement. The bigger bags are more resistant and thus make the puncher feel his strikes, adding more realism, as if he is fighting a real opponent. It also increases strike power and hand position as it hits the bag. An incorrect hand placing can possibly hurt your hand or even dislocate finger bones.

The smaller bags improve eye-arm coordination, and thus speed and quick reflexes.

It builds the boxer’s confidence. As the trainee develops the way he hits the bag or bags, he will gain a sense of competence. His muscles are becoming tighter; his punches are stronger; he can discern the bag’s action; he can anticipate its movements: therefore, he is faster, stronger, and more capable of dealing with fighting situations.

Releases steam. A strike or two at the punching bag can release aggressiveness in a fighter. The feeling of truculence intended for another person is channeled to the punching bag, so that the suppressed feeling is discharged. Studies show persons who perform exercises suffer from less stress than individuals who don’t, and punching a bag is good exercise.

So if you want to learn to punch, start by punching bags. You’ll be more adept to take fighting lessons if you are more capable of doing them.

The author runs a website that caters for people looking for punch bags and has a page dedicated to cheap punch bags. so visit to find the perfect punch bag.

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