Lose Weight by Drinking Water

Water has been underrated as an aid in weight loss. But it helps the body’s metabolism greatly, and also helps to keep fluids moving around the body as they should.

Water helps to keep the joints lubricated, and this is especially important when doing exercise. Drink plenty water both during, and after, exercising.

And water helps to move the fiber out of your body, and adds bulk to it so that you will feel fuller for longer. This helps to quell the appetite. The average person requires 64 ounces (1.9L) minimum for this.

Another great attribute of water, is that it enables the body, each day, to properly absorb the necessary nutrients it needs into the body’s tissues.

In order that the body’s energy levels are maintained throughout the day, it is essential that we consume water at regular intervals. 6 ounces (170 ml) every hour is the recommended level, except when taking part in exercise.

For best effects, water should be drunk slowly. Depending on the temperature of the water, the reaction of the body will vary.

To drop those 10 pounds as quickly as possible, drinking the water at room temperature will mean that the body will absorb it better. However, ice water is better at burning calories. So to lose weight ,the best advice is, alternate between both temperatures.

Its easy to see why this would be true. The body burns up energy heating up the ice water, while tepid water prevents the body from retaining tissue fluid, keeping weight down. Both temperatures work well.

If you get dehydrated, the body will begin to store water in tissues, for protection. This could add 5 pounds to your weight!

Regularly drinking water is a good way to keep away hunger, even more so when you stick to the drinking of both ice water and tepid water alternately. And use purified water only – this is the easiest for your body to process.

If you are serious about losing 10 pounds, drinking more water is the way to go. It boosts the body’s metabolism. Also, more water means less fat deposits.

This is because because your liver will not have to work so hard metabolizing fat. The liver is the body’s main fat burning organ requires a regular supply of pure water.

That’s why its so important to keep hydrated during exercise. After all that strenuous activity, when you’re sweating and your heart is pounding, the body beads to flush out the sludge created.

After exercise, you should drink 16-24 ounces (470 to 700 ml). This helps greatly with the cleaning process, giving an easy exit for all the toxins. The more water you can make available to your liver, the better it can function.

Water is the main tool used by our bodies in the process of detoxification, and it enables the liver to sort between nutrients and toxins. It will increase your energy levels, and decrease your waistline.

So go ahead and enjoy more water each day. Try to make it a part of your daily routine, rather than something you turn to occasionally. You will lose 10 pounds faster!

Be sure to check the top 3 weight reduction products, which we have reviewed over at How To Lose Weight. And an excellent fat loss program is found over at Burn The Fat.

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