Apple Cider Vinegar – Yeast Overgrow Prevention With Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can prevent yeast overgrow. But what is yeast overgrow? It’s actually the overgrow of the Candida albicans yeast-like flora in the body which leads to a yeast infection. Apple cider vinegar is used by many women to help get rid of vaginal yeast infection in particular, either by douching or bathing. But it can also be taken internally to help prevent yeast overgrow in the gut.

A word of warning; it has to be raw, unpasteurized, un-distilled apple cider vinegar, with no preservatives or additives. You can buy it from health food stores or in some grocery stores.

Here’s how to use apple cider vinegar as a douche: Place two tablespoons of vinegar in two litres (2 quarts) of warm water and mix well. Use soft cotton to douche the external area; vulva, labia, etc. repeat this exercise twice daily until your yeast infection symptoms have disappeared.

Here’s how to use a bath: Into a low bath sufficient to cover your hips, put two cups of apple cider vinegar and ensure you mix well. Sit in the bath for twenty to thirty minutes. Open up the lips so that the water can gently wash the whole area better. If you can, do this twice a day until the symptoms are eliminated.

For internal use drink a mixture of two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a 8oz glass of water, three time a day. This is especially good for re-balancing the numbers of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, which helps to fight and prevent the yeast overgrow.

But let’s remind ourselves just what the triggers for a yeast overgrow are. These are the underlying conditions or issues that affect the body’s ‘good’ bacteria’s ability to do its job of checking the Candida yeast overgrow. Typical are; a lowered immune system, antibiotics, drug habit, poor diet, diabetes, body pH, etc.

So, although apple cider vinegar seems to be a very good home remedy for yeast infection, you still need to ensure that the root cause and any other conditions like diet and lifestyle are fully addressed for a complete cure. If you don’t want to use expensive drugs with some of their side effects, you need a totally natural response.

To get more facts on a proven, totally natural treatment program that could be just what you have been looking for, please go now to You could be yeast infection free in only a matter of hours.

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